Sunday, April 30, 2017

Using the PI Cobbler on an Arduino


The PI Cobbler (made by Adafruit) is a great tool that is used to connect a Raspberry PI to a bread board.
PI Cobbler

The Arduino Uno board on the other hand is not so straight forward to connect to a breadboard. You often end up with a mess of many wires
Arduino Uno requires individual wires towards the breadboard
An alternative is to use an Arduino Nano that fits directly on the breadboard
Arduino Nano fits directly on Breadboard

It would be great to be able to connect a flat cable directly to the Arduino UNO. So let's build an adapter UNO -> Flat cable

Assembly instructions

Needed stuff

You will need
  1. A PI Cobbler
  2. A 2x40 Positions Header, Breakaway Connector 0.100" (2.54mm) Through Hole
  3. An Arduino Uno
  4. An Arduino Protoshield (I use the one from Adafruit) 
  5. Some cabling wire
  6. Some solder
Update on May 2 2017:
STOP DON'T USE THE ADAFRUIT PI COBBLER!! it is only intended for the Raspberry PI. It contains internal wiring that connect all the Raspberry PI GND together this may damage your Arduino and / or prevent your project from working